Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why Is My Video So Choppy Why Has Streaming Video Become Choppy On My Computer?

Why has streaming video become choppy on my computer? - why is my video so choppy

I have a Samsung NC10 netbook, and during the first 5 months, little to confess, I had no problem watching videos at all. In recent weeks, when I try to watch every video is very choppy. It is in any internet connection that I'm connected. I ran virus scans and no help at all. And I have not had any problems when surfing the Internet ... Only videos. What's happening?


Zachary S said...

I certify that all processes will see a lot of additional system memory. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to open to Task Manager and view the Performance tab. If physical memory is used up, take a look at the tab "processes" and any order that is not absolutely necessary for the system to reduce the size of the store. If this work could be permanent msconfig. Go to Start> Run, type msconfig and press Enter. In the Startup tab, uncheck the unnecessary programs you do not. If it makes no difference in performance, the problem is rather bland Update your software or Web browser or Flash Player. I recommend you try using Mozilla Firefox.

whatever... said...

Internet is probably too slow to play the video smoothly.

If you have a YouTube video on the go, and wait until it is fully loaded before playing, you're always broke?

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