Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bank Savings Account Rates Which Bank Is The Safest And Most Popular When It Comes To A Savings Account?

Which bank is the safest and most popular when it comes to a savings account? - bank savings account rates

Washington Mutual, I have now, and I get a rate of .25% interest. I usually $ 200 - $ 1,000 in my savings account, but I hope you a savings account, with the higher interest rate. I know that some of the online offer interest savings account in April, but do not know exactly what it is. I wonder what the most popular and safest online banks and banks of rising interest rates?


richard t said...

each bank of the FDIC insured up to 100,000 said ......... is the same if they are less than 100,000 ...
If more ........ and you want insurance, you can buy Treasury bills, bonds, notes .............. All are supported by the good faith of the United States .. as ............. Money

perrined... said...

I know in my area credit unions to give the best prices, but given the amount you, as always, that the FDIC, they are all equally safe. Most banks and financial institutions in these days of online access.

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